3.16. Definitions

16.1 Course Drop: is the removal of a class from a student’s transcript to show no record of enrollment. Course drop deadlines are established each term in accordance with Alfaisal Academic Calendar.

16.2 Course withdrawal: is the removal of a class they do not intend to complete. Withdrawn courses remain on a student’s transcript with a grade of W but will not affect the student GPA. However, they will be included in the tuition fees. To request a course withdrawal, student must submit an E-form named Course Withdrawal. Course withdrawal deadlines are established each term in accordance with Alfaisal Academic Calendar. It follows the course drop period. Alfaisal University Preparatory Program (AUPP) students are not allowed to drop or withdraw from a course.

16.3 Late-term Withdrawal Due to Extenuating Circumstance

When a student requests withdrawal from the classes after the end of the withdrawal period according to the University Academic Calendar, the student must provide documentation establishing an “extenuating circumstance” that prevents the student from fulfilling their academic responsibilities. An extenuating circumstance is a situation that is beyond the control of the student. It may have developed after the end of the withdrawal period, or it may have become more serious since the end of the withdrawal period. Poor academic performance alone is not an extenuating circumstance. To request a late-term withdrawal the following steps are required:

16.3.1Contact/meet with the primary academic advisor to discuss withdrawal, as well as other possible options.

16.3.2 Complete the Course Withdraw form

16.3.3 Write a petition explaining the extenuating circumstance and asking permission to withdraw. Appropriate documentation of the extenuating circumstance must be provided in addition to the student’s statement.

16.3.4 Submit the petition, documentation, and the completed Request for Withdrawal Form.

16.3.5 Requests must be submitted prior to the beginning of the final exam period each term.

16.3.6 No request will be approved during the Examination Period

16.3.7 For the Colleges that use the block system, all block grades in which the student sat for exam must be recorded.

16.3.8 The College and the Deanship of Student Affairs, Admissions, and Registration will determine whether to approve or deny the request for late term withdrawal.

16.3.9 Undergraduate students on academic probation who are granted late withdrawal will be subject to academic dismissal at the end of the term, if their CGPA remain below the University required CGPA.