PENG 005: Preparatory English Level 5

Class Program
Credits 4
PENG 005 is a 4-credit hour, 14-hour contact week, 8-week course that specifically aims to develop the students'92 four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing, with special emphasis on reading and writing. The primary aim of the course is to develop students'92 reading skills including understanding main ideas, supporting details, and making inferences. The writing component centers on extending students'92 ability to summarize and respond to a range of sources, composing clear, well-organized, and coherent texts that incorporate a variety of rhetorical modes and essay formats. The emphasis of the communication component is on understanding main ideas and supporting details while listening to academic lectures on a variety of subjects. Additionally, students will develop note-taking strategies to organize and synthesize the ideas expressed in lectures.
PENG 004 or acceptable minimum score on placement exams