3.32. Examination Special Accommodation Policy


It is the policy of Alfaisal University to administer examinations in a manner that does not discriminate against an otherwise qualified student. Alfaisal University offers reasonable and appropriate accommodations for the testing and examinations for those persons with documented disabilities, as required. Students requesting any accommodation must submit such requests with their admission application or when the diagnosis are made, if the diagnosis are made after been admitted to the University to provide adequate time to the University to resolve any documentation or examination logistical issues that may arise. Alfaisal University will review each request on an individual basis and make decisions relative to appropriate accommodations based on the following general guidelines:

  1. To be considered for an accommodation under Alfaisal University Examination Special Accommodation Policy, student must present adequate documentation demonstrating that his/her condition substantially limits his/her ability to take exams on the regular university set up.
  2. Requested accommodations must be reasonable and appropriate for the documented disability or special circumstances and must not fundamentally alter the examination’s ability to assess the essential knowledge and competency, which the test is designed to measure. A typical accommodation is to allow extended time on exams or take the exam individually, and/or an environment in which distractions are minimized to complete the examination.
  3. Professionals conducting assessments, rendering diagnoses of specific disabilities or special circumstances and/or making recommendations for appropriate accommodations must be appropriately qualified and licensed to make such assessments (Alfaisal University reserves the rights to refer student to specific doctors or specialists for further evaluation or second opinion).
  4. All documentation submitted in support of a requested accommodation will be kept in confidence and will be disclosed to Deanship of Student Affairs, Admissions, and Registration staff only to the extent necessary to evaluate the accommodation. No information concerning an accommodation request will be released to third parties without written permission from the student.