Mathematics and Computer Science

Chair: Dr. Lakhdar Remaki
Ph: +966 11 215 8906

General Department Information

Mathematics are critical to understanding scientific and engineering concepts. Nature laws are described in a mathematical language, and engineering concepts are modeled and achieved through mathematical tools. The Department of Mathematics & Computer Science is endeavoring to become a world-class leader in mathematics and computer science by designing advanced programs and a vibrant environment for developing graduates with the  solid academic and technical backgrounds. To achieve this challenging objective, the department is offering world-class education for our students and maintain high quality research programs. The department offers a wide selection of courses that allow students to acquire a solid base in mathematics and computer science. Our teaching is aimed  at developing the students' analytical skills and critical thinking capacities, and to give the students the opportunity to discover the intellectual depth of mathematics & computer science, and their relations to other disciplines. 

Mathematics and computer science  play an ever-increasing role in many emerging fields of study, most notably in Engineering, Life Science and Physical Sciences. As the Kingdom  moves towards knowledge-based industries, applied mathematics and computer science are considered strategic fields of national importance. As a support for the emergence and the rapid growth of the cited fields, the department  offers a wide range of courses for Engineering, Life science, Medicine and Business programs.



MAT 113: Real Analysis

This course is and Introduction to Real Analysis. Topics include real number system, concepts of set, intervals, rational and irrational numbers; sequences and series, criteria of convergence, divergence; limit, continuity and differentiation; the Riemann integral; sequences and series of functions, point-wise convergence, and uniform convergence; elementary metric space theory including compactness, connectedness and completeness.