
General Department Information

Welcome to the Department of Medicine at the College of Medicine, Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Our curriculum uses an integrated, spiral curriculum designed to deliver basic as well as clinical sciences from the first semester of medical school.

Within Alfaisal University, we have the opportunity to support and train the next generation of doctors by teaching general Medicine to undergraduates at Alfaisal University’s College of Medicine. We are also expanding our contribution to postgraduate training at Alfaisal University.

The department is actively engaged in research by utilizing innovative approaches which stimulates critical thinking and promotes the development of life-long learning skills.



MED 471: Medicine

Medical students gain initial clinical experience under direct supervision of clinical instructors. The nine weeks period of enrollment in the teaching hospitals has major and lasting effects on the medical professional. The program for medical students aims to: Provide the basic bed-side skills on history taking and physical assessment, teach the students clinical medicine and link it to basic biomedical sciences, introduce students to work within clinical teams and acknowledge limits, acquire professionalism in medicine, respect for patients, and medical ethics, Gain experience in proper documentation, Enhance communication skills with patients, their families, nursing, and colleagues.