

BIO 223: Microbiology

The course provides a basic understanding of modern medical microbiology with emphasis on the contribution microorganisms make to human health and welfare and intensive study of the processes by which microorganisms cause human disease, how the pathogens can be recognized (identified) and what steps can be taken for the prevention and treatment of infections. The emphasis on the development of observational, practical and analytical skills through supervised laboratory work and demonstrations.

MIC 243: Microbiology

This course will provide the students with a basic understanding of modern medical and general microbiology with emphasis on role of microorganisms in human health and disease. The course will address the fundamental concepts on characteristics of microorganisms of medical importance including bacteria, virus, fungi, protozoa, and helminthes. The basics of the taxonomy and classification, morphology, nutrition, growth conditions, metabolism and genetics of these microbes will be discussed. The concept of host-parasite relationship, pathogenicity and microbial virulence factors will also be addressed. Using an integrated approach, the students will then be able to explore how these concepts relate to the infectious disease process, laboratory diagnosis and identification of microbes and targets of antimicrobial drugs. The students will explore the development of antimicrobial resistance and correlate microbial gene transfer mechanisms with dissemination of resistance genes. This course will use a diversity of teaching approaches such as lectures, laboratory practical sessions and interactive large group discussions, through which, it is expected that this course will equip students with the basic principles of microbiology. This will serve as a basis for their continuing understanding of infectious diseases in later stages of the curriculum.

MIC 354: Advanced Microbiology

This course will introduce students to key concepts and principles of infection control in relation to pharmaceutical practice. The various approaches to control of growth of microbial agents and the types of microbial control agents utilized in healthcare and industrial settings will be addressed. In this course students learn about the indications, approaches, equipment and agents utilized for cleaning, sterilization and disinfection processes in the healthcare setting as well as in industrial pharmaceutical settings. They will begin to understand the criteria for selecting and monitoring the usefulness of the agents, equipment and monitoring approaches used for sterilization & disinfection. The course will also address approaches to infection control practices in the community with special emphasis on community pharmaceutical practices.