It is recognized that for various reasons, Alfaisal University students may wish to take academic courses over the summer. In such cases, the following conditions exist:
- If a student wishes to improve an earlier grade by summer study, registration and payment of fees must be made by the first day of the summer session. One repeat is allowed if a passing grade was obtained on the first taking of the course. Attendance at all class meetings is compulsory, as is the completion of all course work if the student is to be allowed to sit the final examination for the course.
- If a student wishes to take a course over the summer from another university, this will be allowed only if that course is not offered during the summer session at Alfaisal University. The dean of the college in which the course in normally offered may with appropriate justification, grant exception to the foregoing rule. In such cases, the college dean must give permission which will be based on information provided by the student. This information must demonstrate that at least 80% of the Alfaisal University course content and mode of evaluation is covered by the course at the university where summer study is proposed.
- A student is allowed to register a maximum of 6 credit hours in Summer Semester.