8.3. Classroom Reservation

Classrooms can be used for teaching, workshops, seminars, exams, and various other activities. The following are the points to be considered when reserving a classroom:

  1. A classroom reservation for any purpose prior to term commencement is not considered until all classes and their required sessions, such as tutorials and labs, are scheduled.
  2. A reservation request must be submitted at least one full working day in advance.
  3. A request to reserve three classrooms or more must be submitted at least three working days in advance.


All classes are expected to conform to the above requirements. Requests for exceptions are subject to the approval of the dean of the college (or his or her designee) in which the department resides, with final approval of the Vice President and Provost (or his or her designee). Exceptions are specific to the reason for which they are requested and the specific class for which they are approved. Scheduling of a class for which an exception has been approved is subject to classroom availability.

Once approved, an exception will remain in effect until the approved end date. Any change in the nature of the exception or an extension of the end date will require submission of a new request.

Procedure for requesting exceptions

  1. The department chair submits the exception request to the dean (or his or her designee) for review and approval.
  2. Approved requests are submitted to the Vice President and Provost and must be received no later than two weeks before the final class schedule is due.
  3. The Vice President and Provost (or his or her designee) reviews the requests and notify the Deanship of Student Affairs, Admissions, and Registration.
  4. The Deanship of Student Affairs, Admissions, and Registration notifies the dean (or his or her designee) whether the request has been approved or denied by the Vice President and Provost (or his or her designee).
  5. Only in unusual and compelling circumstances such exceptions will approved.