College of Engineering and Advanced Computing Faculty

Dr. Abdalla Alrashdan

Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., Wichita State University, USA

Dr. Abdelghani Bouras

Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., Université Joseph Fourier, France

Dr. Abdel Naser Daoud

Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., Teesside University, UK 

Dr. Abdulrahman Alymani

Assistant Professor, Department of Architectural Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. PhD. Cardiff university, UK

Dr. Abd-Elhamid Taha

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced ComputingPh.D., Queen’s University, Canada

Dr. Ahmad Sawalmeh

Senior Lecturer, Department of Software Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia 

Eng. Ahmed Hamidalddin

Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. M.Sc., University of Southern California, USA

Dr. Ahmed Oteafy

Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., Boise State University, USA

Dr. Aliaa Elabd

Assistant Professor, Department of Architectural Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., North Carolina State University, USA

Eng. Aliaa Elamin

Instructor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. M.Sc., Khartoum University, Sudan

Eng. Aljawharah AlMuaythir

Instructor, Department of Software Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. M.Sc., King Saud University, Saudi Arabia  

Dr. Almehdi Ibrahem

Senior Lecturer, Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., University of Manitoba, Canada

Dr. Anis Koubaa

Professor, Department of Software Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., University of Lorraine, France

Eng. Aram Monawar

Instructor, Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. M.Sc., Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Dr. Areej Al-Wabil

Assistant Professor, Department of Software Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., School of Informatics, City University London, UK

Dr. Asem Alawan

Senior Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia

Eng. Asfa Javeed

Instructor, Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. M.Sc., University of the Punjab, Pakistan

Dr. Atef Ghaleb

Lecturer, Department of Industrial EngineeringCollege of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., King Saud University, Saudi Arabia

Eng. Athiq Ahamed

Lab Technician, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. MBA, London Metropolitan University, UK

Dr. Driss Benhaddou

Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., University of Missouri, USA

Dr. Faisal Alotaibi

Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., Wichita State University, USA

Dr. Hassan Ahmed

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., Calgary University, Canada

Eng. Hoda ElSayed 

Instructor, Department of Software Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. M.Sc., Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia

Eng. Hussain Alhawsah

Instructor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. M.Sc., University of Alabama, Birmingham, USA

Dr. Ibrahim Al Saudi

Assistant Professor, Department of Architectural Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., Heriot Watt University, UK

Eng. Jomalyn Pancho

Principal Instructor, Department of Software Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. M.Sc., Western Mindanao State University, Philippines

Eng. Khalid Ahmed 

Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. M.Sc., Middle East Technical University, Turkey

Dr. Lotfi Tadj

Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., Florida Institute of Technology, USA

Eng. Majed AlSharif

Lecturer, Department of Architectural Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. M.ARCH, Southern Illinois University, USA

Eng. Margaret McCanus

Senior Lecturer, Department of Architectural Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. M.ARCH. University of Pennsylvania, USA

Dr. Mahmoud Essam Hallak

Assistant Professor, Department of Architectural Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., McGill University, Canada

Dr. Muhammad Anan

Associate Professor, Department of Software Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA

Eng. Mohammed Akilah

Instructor, Department of Architectural Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. M.Sc., Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus

Dr. Mohamed Bahloul

Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia

Eng. Mohamed Noor

Senior Instructor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. M.Sc., Queen Mary University of London, UK

Dr. Mutasem Abdel-Jawwad Shehadeh

Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., Washington State University, USA

Dr. Muhammad Anis Qasim

Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA

Dr. Muhammad Umair Khan

Assistant Professor, Department of Software Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., Queen’s University, Canada

Eng. Muhammed Herwis

Instructor, Department of Software Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. M.Sc., Middlesex University London, UK

Dr. Nidal Nasser

Professor, Department of Software Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., Queen’s University, Canada

Dr. Nur Fathiah Waziralilah

Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

Dr. Ramazan Demirboga

Professor, Department of Architectural Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., Ataturk University, Turkey

Dr. Randa Almomen

Lecturer, Department of Software Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., University of Birmingham, UK

Eng. Rowaa Jaroudi

Senior Instructor, Department of Architectural Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. M.Sc., Oxford Brookes University, UK. 

Dr. Safia Dawood

Lecturer, Department of Software Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. M.Sc., KAU, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Safia Yasmeen

Lecturer, Department of Software Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. M.Sc., Osmania University, India

Eng. Sarah Alhamdani

Instructor, Department of Software Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. M.Sc., Alfaisal University, Saudi Arabia

Eng. Sarra Drine

Principal Instructor, Department of Software Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. M.Sc., University of St. Andrews, UK

Dr. Sghaier Guizani

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced ComputingPh.D., Binghamton University, USA

Eng. Shaweta Khullar

Instructor, Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. M.Sc., Maharshi Dayanand University, India

Dr. Sobhi Mejjaouli

Assistant professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA

Dr. Taghreed Altamimi

Senior Lecturer, Department of Software Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., Carleton University, Canada

Dr. Tarek AlHawari

Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., Lehigh University, USA

Dr. Tarek Mokhtar

Assistant Professor, Department of Architectural Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., Clemson University, USA

Dr. Waleed Alsabhan

Assistant Professor, Department of Software Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., Brunel University, and King’s College, University of London, UK

Arch. Yara Fawal

Instructor, Department of Architectural Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. M.Sc., Cardiff University, UK

Dr. Yousef M. Alyousef

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Dr. Zuruzi Abu Samah

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Advanced Computing. Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara, USA