3.46. Semester Withdrawal Policy

Students may apply to withdraw from a semester without academic penalty from the first day of classes until the end of the 4th week of the semester according to the published University Academic Calendar in the respective semester. Students are responsible to meet with their Academic Advisors in a timely manner to discuss the implications and complete the necessary Semester Withdrawal Form. Withdrawn semesters are counted towards the maximum period of completing a Program under the College progression rules. The deadline for submitting a Semester Withdrawal Form is published University Academic Calendar.

3.45.1 General Guidelines

  1. A student cannot withdraw for more than two consecutive semesters or three non-consecutive semesters. Those who do not resume their studies after two consecutive semesters, or three non-consecutive semesters will be dismissed.
  2. Freshman and AUPP students are not allowed to withdraw the first semester of their enrolment. It will be considered as “cancelation of enrolment” and students will be required to apply for new admissions if they wish to return.
  3. Any “Incomplete” grade from a previous semester is changed to fail if not completed within the required timeframes announced by the College and according to the University policies.
  4. Students acknowledge that withdrawal from a semester may impact their ability to complete their studies within the required time frames.
  5. Withdrawn semesters are counted towards the maximum period of completing a program under the College progression rules.
  6. A student is not eligible to withdraw from a semester if there is an ongoing disciplinary investigation involving him/her.
  7. Withdrawal from a semester may affect a student’s scholarship status and inquiries should be directed to the Financial Aid Office at the Deanship of Student Affairs, Admissions, and Registration.
  8. Student accounts are disabled, returning from a semester withdraw, students are required to file Resume Study Form available at the University e-Form system. It is a student’s responsibility to check the with the Deanship of Student Affairs, Admissions, and Registration to ensure that the student account is active, and he/she is eligible for the registration before the end of the registration period for the perspective semester.