Biomedical Engineering

Program Description 


The demand for interdisciplinary education and training in the biomedical engineering field has expanded greatly in both academia and industry, primarily as a result in the availability of more complex technologies, medical devices, and future potential applications. Historically, Industry had difficulties incorporating students from different undergraduate engineering programs into their operations without going through rigorous and lengthy training programs. More employers are interested in graduates with sufficient depth in knowledge in an area to be successful at their jobs and sufficient breadth of knowledge and training to ensure cohesive operation of the company. Hence, Alfaisal University introduces a unique and multidisciplinary undergraduate program: Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering (BME).

Mission Statement 

To offer a contemporary program in biomedical engineering allowing its graduates to make a substantial contribution to the welfare of Saudi society and the world at large through teaching, research and community service activities. 

Program Educational Objectives and Outcomes 

The goal of the Biomedical Engineering program is to integrate academia, clinical medicine, and the biomedical industry into the biomedical engineering education and research program. This provides structural support to the clinical rotations and senior design projects for the baccalaureate program.  

Academia, Industry and Clinicians venn diagram

Program Educational Objectives

The program educational objectives (PEOs) for the Biomedical Engineering program align with the missions of the university, college, and department. They are crucial for ensuring successful professional practice and enabling students to pursue advanced degrees. The Biomedical Engineering Department is aligned with the ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) requirements for developing the program's educational objectives (PEOs). These objectives were formulated by focusing on the core elements of the university's mission, including fostering creative knowledge, conducting impactful research, and providing professional community services. 

The Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering program at Alfaisal University aims to produce graduates who will achieve the following program educational objectives: 

  • PEO1. Contribute to the biomedical industry and organizations by applying their knowledge in the design, implementation, and research of engineering systems and devices. 
  • PEO2. Pursue graduate studies to further their research, professional, or educational activities, thereby benefiting society. 
  • PEO3. Practice the engineering profession responsibly, with a deep understanding of the importance of professional, ethical, and societal responsibilities, to advance the community healthcare system. 

Students Outcomes (SOs) (ABET 1-7)

  1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
  2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
  3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
  4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
  5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
  6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze, and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
  7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Program Tracks 

The program is named: Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering (BME). The students in this program will take a set of core courses from science, medicine, and engineering. Students will finish out their courses through a choice of one of the following specializations areas:  

  1. Medical Imaging (MI)
  2. Medical Devices (MD)
  3. Artificial Intelligence
    1. Biomedical Artificial Intelligence (BAI)
    2. Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
    3. Artificial Intelligence & Medicine

These specialty areas combined with core foundation courses will give students a solid foundational background in biomedical engineering with specific depth areas useful to industry, innovation, and postgraduate studies.  

Program Structure and Curriculum

Admission Criteria  

Alfaisal University seeks a highly motivated, academically well-prepared, and diverse student body. Admission to the University is competitive. Applying early is encouraged as the University has the right to limit enrollment due to space availability in major programs and overall student capacity. Please refer to the Admissions website for more information and detailed dates and deadlines. All prospective new students should apply for admission to Alfaisal University at 


BME 100: Introduction to Biomedical Engineering

The aim of this course is to introduce the students to the biomedical engineering profession. This course will provide an insight into multidisciplinary areas of biomedical engineering and design. The course is primarily concerned with professional practice and a starting point for your ongoing professional development that you will undertake as a professional biomedical engineer throughout your career. Course topics will be covered by lectures, tutorials, practical classes, and a team-based design project.

BME 100 L: Introduction to Biomedical Engineering Lab

The Introduction to Biomedical Engineering Lab is a hands-on lab that complements theoretical knowledge in biomedical engineering. Students gain practical experience through experiments, data analysis, and problem-solving using cutting-edge equipment and software. Topics include biomedical instrumentation, medical imaging, biomaterials, bioinformatics, and physiological measurements. Instructors guide students in applying engineering principles to healthcare challenges, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Ethical considerations and regulatory requirements are also explored.

BME 201: Bio Fluid Dynamics

Fundamentals of fluid mechanics. Flow properties of blood, applications describing flow of air in the airways and flow of blood in large arteries.

BME 202: Biomechanics

This course explores fluid mechanics in the context of the human circulatory system. Principal equations are derived from differential analysis of fluid flow, and models of characteristic flow conditions are fully analyzed. Biofluid mechanics, vessel biomechanics, and hemodynamic analysis of the circulation system will also be discussed. This course combines didactic lecture and laboratory and will introduce the student to the principles of biomechanics in the context of the musculoskeletal system. Topics include fundamental concepts of mechanics, force systems and couples (including muscle and joint forces), free body diagrams, stress analysis and failure of materials (including analysis of bone strength), mechanical behavior of soft tissues, dynamics of particles and rigid bodies (including analysis of gait), and impulse (including analysis of injury). Kinematic and dynamic analysis of mechanisms. Computer-aided kinematic design. Experimental studies of mechanical properties of structural elements and prosthetics.

BME 301: Biomedical Signals and Systems

This course applies mathematical analysis tools to biological signals and systems. Frequency analysis, Fourier and Laplace transforms, and state equations are used to represent and analyze continuous and discrete time bio signals. Classic feedback analysis tools are applied to biological systems that rely on negative feedback for control and homeostasis.

BME 302: Biomedical Digital Signal Processing

This course Presents the fundamentals of digital signal processing with particular emphasis on problems in biomedical research and clinical medicine. It covers principles and algorithms for processing both deterministic and random signals. Topics include data acquisition, imaging, filtering, coding, feature extraction, and modeling.

BME 303: Biomedical Electronics

This subject will enable the students to learn the basic principles of different instruments used in medical science since a large number of electronic equipment are being used in hospitals for patient care and diagnosis. The course provides Introduction to Semiconductors, Diode types, circuits and applications, Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT) types and biasing circuits, Field effect transistors (FET), Small-signal BJT and FET amplifiers, Multistage amplifiers, Frequency response of amplifiers, Introduction to differential amplifiers, medical applications of diode circuits and transistor amplifiers.

BME 303 L: Biomedical Electronics Lab

The biomedical electronics Lab is a hands-on lab that complements theoretical knowledge in Medical Electronics course. This subject will enable the students to learn the basic principles of different instruments used in medical science since a large number of electronic equipment are being used in hospitals for patient care and diagnosis. The lab provides experiments such as Introduction to Semiconductors, Diode types, circuits and applications, Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT) types and biasing circuits, Field effect transistors (FET), Small-signal BJT and FET amplifiers, Multistage amplifiers, Frequency response of amplifiers, Introduction to differential amplifiers, medical applications of diode circuits and transistor amplifiers.

BME 305: Biomedical Imaging Systems I

This course provides an introduction to the physics and engineering of tomographic imaging devices, instrumentation, the diagnostic methods, signal processing methods, image characteristics and the biological effects in X-Ray (projection radiography), X-Ray computed tomography, nuclear medicine (SPECT/PET), ultrasound imaging, and magnetic resonance imaging.

BME 305 L: Biomedical Imaging Systems I Lab

An introduction to the physics, instrumentation, and signal processing methods used in general radiography, X-ray computed tomography, ultrasound imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, and nuclear medicine. The primary focus is on the methods required to reconstruct images within each modality, with emphasis on the resolution, contrast, and signal-to-noise ratio of the resulting images. Students will additionally engage in hands-on activities to reconstruct medical images from raw data.

BME 306: Biomedical Imaging Systems II

This course covers the fundamentals and advanced principles of various biomedical imaging modalities, integrating core concepts from diagnostic and therapeutic ultrasound, computerized tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and nuclear imaging. Students will gain an in-depth understanding of the physics, engineering, and technological implementations behind these imaging techniques, focusing on their clinical applications.

BME 307: Information Technology for Biomedical Engineers

The objective of this course is to provide the students with the knowledge to address these challenges. We focus on the storage, integration, querying and management of heterogeneous, voluminous, geographically dispersed biomedical data. In addition to primary data, such as experimental data, the methods also address derived data such as those from analyzed microscope images. Examples of pathway analysis methods and the sharing and storage of the data that they generate will be Presented.

BME 308: Biomedical Instrumentation I

This course introduces the students to the basic design concept required to acquire, process and interpret biological and medically relevant signals. Emphasis is placed on recognizing and accommodating limitations inherent in sensor and their associated electronics. Topics include design of biomedical instrumentation including different sensor types and their associated electronics. Mathematical models of sensor ranging including resistive sensors and biosensors. The design of the signal conditioning electronics. Practical application on specific cases where students will be able to demonstrate their skills on evaluating a biomedical instrument using MATLAB/LabVIEW/Multisim software.

BME 308 L: Biomedical Instrumentation I Lab

This laboratory-based course is designed to develop hands-on experimental skills to the selection and application of various sensors and transducers, and develop practical experience to designing, using and testing analog instrumentation used to acquire and process biomedical signals.

BME 310: Healthcare Management System

This course covers Health Care Management and provides a framework for addressing management problems in health care organizations. By the end of the course, you will have been exposed to many management ideas, theories, and applications.

BME 401: Undergraduate Research in Biomedical Engineering

The course will provide Undergraduate students who are interested in participating in research with a BME faculty member. The course is independent research, not independent study. The research may be either experimental or theoretical in nature or a combination of both and should be hypothesis driven. It must be conducted under the supervision of a BME faculty, or another faculty member approved by the course director. Students identify their own mentors and projects based on their research interests. Students must typically be of junior or senior standing to register for this course

BME 402: Bioinformatics

This course is designed to give students both a theoretical background and a working knowledge of the techniques employed in bioinformatics. Emphasis will be placed on biological sequence (DNA, RNA, protein) analysis and its applications.

BME 404: Cardiovascular Instrumentation

This course is concerned with theory and design of instrumentation used for the diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, and research investigation of cardiac and cardiovascular disease.

BME 406: Quality Engineering

The course teaches Quality Assurance in an industrial system and compares it with the existing standards and protocols, including an introduction to quality engineering, quality standards ISO 9000 and QS 9000, TQM, quality cost analysis, process modeling and hypothesis testing, statistical process control for long and short production runs, process capability analysis, capability indexes, Weibull analysis, Six sigma acceptance sampling and design of experiments.

BME 408: Lasers and Coherent Optics

To introduce optics, lasers and optical waveguides. After taking this class, a student should understand the basics of optical fields including polarization, coherence, and behavior at dielectric interfaces. He or she should also understand the fundamentals of optical amplification, lasers, and optical waveguides.

BME 410: Radiation Therapy

The course provides the basis for understanding physical principles within radiotherapy, focusing on clinical application and equipment for generating/delivering ionizing electron and photon radiation, clinical radiation dosimetry, characteristics and specifications of radiation fields, treatment planning (volume definitions, field setup, fractionations, modern techniques and dose calculation algorithms), brachytherapy, quality assurance, introduction to particles/heavy ions in radiotherapy and quantitative methods in radio-oncology.

BME 411: Computed Tomography (CT) Angiography Block

The Computed Tomography (CT) course investigates the area of CT and hybrid imaging and facilitates student learning whilst encouraging the use of evidence-based practice and critical thinking. The specialization provides a theoretical understanding of the science of CT instrumentation, image formation and radiation dose minimization. Students will study the development of CT protocols and various operator selectable parameters. The content includes oral and intravenous contrast safety and administration; routine and interventional CT procedures; post processing; dual source and multi energy CT; CT perfusion; cardiac CT; micro-, cone beam, mobile and flat panel CT; and CT in radiation therapy and hybrid imaging.

BME 412: Data Mining and Application in Engineering

This course introduces basic data mining concepts and techniques for discovering interesting patterns hidden in large-scale data sets, focusing on issues relating to scalability and efficiency. Topics covered in this course include data preprocessing, data warehousing, frequent pattern analysis, classification, clustering, outlier analysis, tools and technologies for data mining and algorithms for mining complex data.

BME 413: MR Block

The MR Course is a comprehensive and in-depth program designed to provide students with a thorough understanding of Magnetic Resonance (MR) imaging technology. Through a combination of lectures, practical exercises, and hands-on training, students will gain knowledge in the principles, physics, and instrumentation of MR imaging. They will learn about image acquisition, image reconstruction, and image analysis techniques used in clinical and research settings. The course will cover various applications of MR imaging, including neuroimaging, cardiovascular imaging, musculoskeletal imaging, and oncology imaging. By the end of the course, students will have the skills to operate MR scanners, analyze MR images, and contribute to the advancement of MR imaging in the field of medical diagnosis and research.

BME 414: 3D Med. Printing

The course shows 3D Printing as a method of creation that requires some basic computer skills and a few rules of thumb. This class will allow students to discover for themselves the potential and limitations of 3D Printing through a build intensive design project. This course is an excellent window into prototyping an invention, or creating a work of art, or customizing a product or just making something cool yet lacked the skills or a fully equipped workshop. Medical angle covers medically used materials, procedures and operations. It covers the role 3D printing is currently playing in surgery, in vitro diseases, patients’ needs as well as limitless other applications.

BME 415: Nuclear Block

This course deals with the physical and technical principles of nuclear medical equipment. It provides advanced study in the fields of radiation physics and radiation protection in nuclear medicine. The block includes students training to independently, complete, calculate dose, and inject radiopharmaceuticals, and carry out commonly occurring nuclear medical examinations. The placement in the gamma camera will imply that student is trained to plan, carry out and Present commonly occurring examinations such as skeleton scintigraphy and renography. The student should develop an understanding regarding nuclear medical reconstruction and diagnostic imaging as well as shorter field studies on PET - CT.

BME 416: Biomedical Materials

This course will concentrate on fundamental principles in biomedical engineering, material science, and chemistry. This course examines the structure and properties of hard materials (ceramics, metals) and soft materials (polymers, hydrogels). Specifically, the class will be divided into three parts: (I) Biomaterial Science and Engineering, (II) Polymers, and (III) Surfaces and Colloid Science. For each section, theoretical description of the relevant phenomena, examples of experimental measurements, specific applications, the physiological requirements/relevance, and the principles of bio interface science and technology will be covered.

BME 417: ST & Fluoroscopy Block

This course covers Principles of radiation protection and fluoroscopic equipment, application of special equipment, illumination, anatomy and physiology of the eye and relationship of internal organs. It provides healthcare providers with an understanding of the challenges encountered when using fluoroscopy in clinical practice and the tenets of safe fluoroscopy use in clinical practice. The overall goal and purpose of radiation safety is to conduct individual radiation risk assessment for each patient, providing an opportunity to give an informed diagnosis.

BME 418: Internet of Things

This course introduces the principles, technologies, challenges, and required expertise needed for building the Internet of Things (IoT) solutions. It provides a big picture of what is involved in IoT. Topics covered in this course include analog and digital sensing, interfacing sensors with microcontrollers, digital communication protocols, microcontroller choices and capabilities, gateways, fog computing, networking, cloud computing, need and challenges for cryptography and comPression, security issues, and low power/energy challenges. The course involves hands-on-experience that culminates in an implementation project.

BME 420: Prosthetics and Orthotics

This course is designed to explain management of patients with amputations and conditions requiring orthotics will be emphasized. The basic components of the course include types of orthotics and prosthetics, fitting, exercise programs, gait analysis and gait training. A brief overview of upper extremity orthotics and prosthetics will be provided.

BME 421: Robotics

This course covers an overview of robot mechanisms, dynamics, and intelligent controls. Topics include planar and spatial kinematics, and motion planning; mechanism design for manipulators and mobile robots, multi-rigid-body dynamics, 3D graphic simulation; control design, actuators, and sensors; wireless networking, task modeling, human-machine interface, and embedded software.

BME 422: Medical Device Innovation and Entrepreneurship

This course is focused on the intricate and unique field of medical device development and the key entrepreneurship and management skills required to get the device to market, from concept to business planning and market emergence.

BME 423: Bio Prosthetic Systems

This course covers an overview of Human movement, biomechanics, skeletal and muscular anatomy, comparative anatomy, muscle physiology, and locomotion. Engineering design of artificial limbs.

BME 424: Biomedical Sensors

Introduction to biomedical sensors: definition, classification, calibration, requirements, errors and uncertainty, static and dynamic parameters, requirements and design aspects of signal conditioning circuits, temperature sensors: types, and signal processing circuits, Pressure sensors: types, operating principle, calibration techniques, medical applications and conditioning procedures, Electrochemical sensors, Ion-selective sensors, Biosensors, Ion-sensitive field effect chemo-sensors, optical sensors, Ultrasound transducers, Intelligent biomedical sensors, manufacturing of biomedical sensors.

BME 425: Perfusion & Pumping Engineering

This course covers an overview of Perfusion and pumping engineering Technology. Perfusionists are trained medical practitioners who specialize in delivering life-saving assistance for blood pumping during surgery on vital organs such as the heart, liver and lungs. During such surgery, patients need extracorporeal circulation (ECC) to sustain the defective organ. Perfusion Technology is used during open-heart surgery, cardiac failure, renal failure, and other life-threatening conditions.

BME 426: Tissue Engineering

This course will introduce tissue engineering approach for augmentation or replacement of compromised tissue function in nerve, micro vessels, skin and cartilage. Integrative exploration of the use of three-dimensional polymeric scaffolds and drug delivery vehicles, and gene therapy and cellular engineering for functional repair of injured tissues.

BME 427: Biomedical Instrumentation II

This course offers an in-depth study of clinical measurements and medical instrumentation. The course covers biopotentials, biopotential electrodes, biosensors, and transducers, as well as key measurements such as ECG, ENG, EMG, ERG, and EEG. Students will learn about cardiovascular and respiratory system measurements, including blood pressure, blood flow, and pulmonary function analyzers. Additional topics include audiometry, biomedical virtual instrumentation, patient monitoring systems, and biomedical wireless telemetry. The course also explores clinical laboratory instruments like electrophoresis, ELISA, hematology, chromatography, spectroscopy, and blood gas analyzers, as well as therapeutic devices such as pacemakers, defibrillators, and ventilators. Emphasis is placed on the design, operation, safety, and calibration of these instruments.

BME 428: Human Limbs and Their Artificial Replacements

This course considers normal human movement; pathological conditions resulting from disease, injury, malformations, birth, etc.; and engineering approaches such as prostheses (limb replacements) and orthoses (limb assists) that may be able to ameliorate the conditions and promote improved movement and function.

BME 430: Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering

The course will provide the methodologies and applications of biomedical engineering in healthcare delivery. Topics to be taught include but are not limited to bioengineering, biosciences, and biomechanics; biomaterials science and selected emerging topics in regenerative engineering applications; medical and engineering ethics; stem cells growth and maintenance.

BME 430: Genetics and Molecular Biology

Molecular biology and genetics have become critical elements in the practice of medicine. This course is designed to give you a firm and detailed understanding of the impact of molecular biology and genetics on medicine and the connections between basic research, medical knowledge, and the perspective of patients who are impacted by our increasingly detailed conception of genetics in medicine.

BME 431: Artificial Intelligence

The course teaches the theory and implementation of Artificial Intelligence through several state-of-the-art methods. It is also cross listed with SE/EE 444 Artificial Intelligence.

BME 432: Biomechanics of Movement

This course introduces advanced undergraduate students to musculoskeletal biomechanics and the quantitative analysis of human movement. Students will learn how muscles act as mechanical actuators to produce movement. Students will also learn how to apply experimental and computational methods to evaluate how muscles, bones, and joints work together as a mechanical system. Topics covered will include rigid-body kinematics, dynamics, motion capture, external force measurement, electromyography, and mechanical properties of muscles and tendons.

BME 433: Machine Learning

This course introduces machine learning and its applications in electrical engineering systems. It offers a review of relevant background in probability and background, and introduces general machine learning methods including supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. Applications instances in electrical engineering systems are discussed.

BME 434: Medical Devices, Disease, and Global Health

Engineering and the application of technologies are important in the delivery of health care. This is true in the developing world as well as in the developed world, however health care technologies often fail to work as intended when solutions from wealthy countries are used in poor countries. Differences in burden of disease, infrastructure, economic and social structures are examined in the context of developing practical ways to improve health in specific parts of the developing world.

BME 435: Cognitive Neuroscience

The course provides a survey of the basic facts, empirical evidence, theories and methods of study in cognitive neuroscience exploring how cognition is instantiated in neural activity. Representative topics include perceptual and motor processes, decision making, learning and memory, attention, reward processing, reinforcement learning, sensory inference, and cognitive control.

BME 436: Photonic Information Processing

This course will be aimed at developing a principled understanding of quantum mechanical description of light, its generation, manipulation and detection. This course will be valuable for students who intend to partake theoretical or experimental research in any area of photonic quantum information processing, such as quantum communications, sensing and computation.

BME 438: Nanotechnology

Introduction to the underlying principles and applications of the emerging field of Nanotechnology and Nanoscience. Intended for a multidisciplinary audience with a variety of backgrounds. Introduces tools and principles relevant at the nanoscale dimension. Discusses current and future nanotechnology applications in engineering, materials, physics, chemistry, biology, electronics, and energy

BME 440: Introduction to BioMEMS, and Bio Nanotechnology

The course teaches economic analysis in an engineering environment considering the time value of money. Methods for evaluation of alternatives: present worth, annual equivalent worth, rate of return, payback method and benefit-cost ratio method. Replacement analysis, depreciation, inflation and cost estimation. Sensitivity and risk analysis are also considered.

BME 495: Capstone Project I

Students work in teams as professional engineering consultants on an independent engineering project under the supervision of a project advisor. The design process is emphasized, encompassing project definition, feasibility analysis, evaluation of alternative designs, and design computations. For each project, the scope of work is developed and negotiated between client and student consultants. The scope of work may also include fabrication, device testing, and field-testing. Projects are arranged by the students with approval of the instructor. Progress reports and a final written report are submitted to the student’s project advisor. Oral Presentations of reports are made before the faculty and students. A student who selects a project suggested by industry has the opportunity of working with an industry sponsor in an actual engineering experience.

BME 496: Capstone Project II

BME 496 is the second part of the two-semester capstone sequence. Students working individually or in a small team under supervision of an academic staff will be expected to continue and complete prior work initiated in BME 495. Student teams proceed with physical realization, validation and testing of their designs. Student teams are expected to deliver an engineered, validated and tested product or prototype. Scaled models may also be produced for projects involving large structures. While a successful outcome is expected, it is not required as the focus of capstone courses is on students’ learning.

IE 315: Engineering Economy and Cost Analysis

Introduction to Principles and biomedical applications of micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) and nanotechnology, including microfluidics, nanowire sensors, nanomotors, quantum dots, biofuel cells and molecular imaging.