EE 427: Digital Control

Class Program
Credits 3 Lab Hours 0 Lecture Hours 3
Tutoring Hours
The course discusses digital control designs and methodologies for dynamic systems. It describes classical and state-space control methods, and applies them to selected applications. The course explores the advantages and limitations of each method, offers an overview of feedback control systems, and proposes to cover selected topics on multivariable and optimal control methods. The course involves Matlab experience to improve the understanding of the covered design methods. The topics include a review of continuous control (feedback, root locus, frequency response design, compensation, state-space design), basic digital control (digitization, sampling, PID), discrete systems (linear difference equations, z-transform, spectrum, block diagrams), discrete equivalents (design via numerical integration, zero-pole matching), transform techniques (root locus in z-plane, frequency response), state-space approaches (regulator design, integral control and disturbance estimation, controllability and observability), and an introduction to multivariable and optimal control (time-varying and LQR steady-state optimal control, multivariable design)