Bachelor of Electrical Engineering

Degree Type

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Study Plan

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Electrical Engineering Tracks:

All EE students have the opportunity of selecting their electives in the fourth year according to their desired academic objective in consultation with their academic advisor. Regular, non-track students select any of the offered EE electives in the fourth year, specifically, three electives with a lab and two electives without a lab. Students also have the option to follow one of the three tracks in the program, namely, Robotics & AI, Renewable Energy, or Innovation & Entrepreneurial tracks.

Whether selecting the regular program or one of the three tracks, the total credits of these electives is 18 CRHs. All offered technical electives are available for regular non-track students, whether or not they are associated with a given track. In summary, all EE students follow the same curriculum and take the same required courses, with the difference being the designation of the electives in the fourth year. A regular non-track student would have the electives distribution in the fourth year as shown in the above listed study plan. Per standing policy, and with the approval of the department chair, a student may opt to take one of the 3 CRH technical electives from another engineering program.

Robotics & AI Track

Robots are automated machines that can assist humans in a variety of settings, from manufacturing processes, to working in critical conditions, unsuitable for human life.  Robotics specialists aim to achieve diverse tasks by designing mechanical devices, able to complete them intelligently.  Studying robotics, students will acquire information related to computer gadgetry, mobile robot programming, robotic motion methods, mathematical algorithms, social implications of technology, and more. Apart from learning specific scientific methods, graduates will gain skills that involve mathematical thinking but also artistic vision. Robotics will prepare specialists in competencies such as technology design, programming, repairing and installing equipment for machines, etc. Career paths in robotics cover a large subject palette, from medicine to engineering and IT. Robotics graduates usually engage in jobs as laboratory assistants, testing technicians, quality assurance staff, programmers, systems controllers, or researchers.

In addition to completing the core course: EE 306 + L – Control and Feedback System Design, students should complete the following four courses.

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The student will need to further complete the program’s elective requirements and have a capstone project themed according to the track.

Track Plan

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Renewable Energy Track

The Renewable Energy track offered at Alfaisal University is a specialization within electrical engineering concerning the generation of electrical power from a wide range of renewables. The track addresses the major topics related to power plant planning, theory and practical design of renewable and non-renewable sources, integration with the power grid, and engineering economy factors of design and deployment.  Renewable energy resources covered include a wide array of established and experimental phase plants including solar, wind, hydro, tidal, wave, biomass and geothermal. This is in addition to energy storage technologies such as fuel cells and pumped hydro. The integration of these energy sources into the power grid with the power electronics theory and practice is also emphasized.

As well as having multiple technical and transferable skill competencies, graduates will gain strong analytical skills, and have the ability to lead complex design projects. Electrical renewable energy engineers have a wide range of employment opportunities across the power generation, conversion, distribution, and management sectors, including power utilities, factories, consultancy firms as well as the domestic markets where renewable energy systems are now commonly sought and deployed.

In addition to completing the core course: EE 308 + L – Electrical Energy Conversion and EE 405 Electric Power Systems, students should complete the following four courses as technical electives:

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The student will need to further complete the program’s elective requirements, and have a capstone project themed according to the track.

Track Plan

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Innovation & Entrepreneurial Track

When it comes to pursuing a career in engineering, whether it is resources engineering, sustainable materials or even innovative recycling, specialist skills and knowledge are vital if you want to stand out compared to other job candidates. Much like every other industry in the world, the electrical engineering landscape is evolving at a rapid rate, and so the demand for engineers with an innovative and entrepreneurial mindset has never been greater. Innovation and entrepreneurship are key drivers in today’s engineering world, and the push for sustainable products, services and technologies is needed now more than ever.

Electrical Engineers work to improve society, and not just for the benefit of the local community, but the planet as a whole. Over the last few years, there has been a rise in developing sustainable innovative solutions, from e-mobility and new battery technologies for greener, more sustainable cities, to communications and robotics for a digital industry 4.0. Without innovation in these areas, modern life would not be possible. With this track, you will develop your expertise in Innovation and entrepreneurship; adding to this your in-depth engineering know-how and you will be well on your way to a career in research, industrial innovation, or even starting up your own business.

In addition to completing the core course: IE 315 – Engineering Economy and Cost Analysis, students should complete the following four courses as technical electives:

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The student will need to further complete the program’s elective requirements and have a capstone project themed according to the track.

Track Plan

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