Entrepreneurship and Family Business Major
We designed the major in Entrepreneurship and Family Business according to world-class standards to develop the skills, knowledge, and confidence to prepare our students for a career as autonomous entrepreneurs, family-business owners, or innovators in new ventures.
The focus on entrepreneurship and family business studies provides the opportunity to develop entrepreneurial talents while providing a solid intellectual foundation to confront the challenges facing a business owner. The study plan includes courses from different business areas such as management, finance, legal expertise, innovation, and human resources management to help students to prepare for a leadership role in a family business or as an entrepreneur.
Courses in the major have an experiential learning perspective; by using case studies and experiential activities, students will have the opportunity to develop their business acumen under the guidance of their instructors.
Entrepreneurship and Family Business major must complete all the courses below.
Entrepreneurship and Family Business Minor
Students from other majors can add a minor in EFB and must complete the following courses.
Students majoring in HRM must complete a replacement course for MGT 373 as recommended by the department chair.
Study Plan (Major in Entrepreneurship and Family Business)
*Instead of ISL 112, a student may choose an alternative 3 Cr courses offered by Alfaisal University.
**Students with a B or higher grade in ENG 101 may replace ENG 103 with 3Cr course offered by ANY college at Alfaisal University.
*Instead of ARB 112, a student may choose an alternative 3 Cr courses offered by Alfaisal University.